Free Photoshop App Called PhotoPea | FREE Tutorial: How To Create Mockups In 30 Seconds Or Less

If you’re after a free version of photoshop, you’re in luck. I don’t know about you, but I wanted something that was quick and easy and more importantly, still looked great.

Photopea does what photoshop does and it’s FREE. With Photoshop, there are no “ads” so you need to pay for it. Photopea, It has “ads” on the side and it’s why it’s free.

The good news is you don’t need to click on any ads or even watch them like you do when you play those annoying free games on your phone.

If you’re a content creator, business coach, influencer, entrepreneur or someone who wants to create awesome-looking mockups for your Instagram page, landing page, Facebook or your website, this is perfect for you.

It’s incredibly easy (when you know what to do). I hope after you watch this video, you can create some amazing-looking mockups for your business or whatever it is you’re doing.

Here are the steps

1. Download the PSD file. (you can download them for free or buy them)

2. Copy the file over to photopea just like in the video

3. Find the file tab with all the designs (you will see a small box inside the box)

4. Double click it and drag any photo you want to that box.

5. Click the tick (it’s up the top of the screen in the middle).

6. Once you click the tick, you then hit these 2 buttons together ( COMMAND + S ) which will save it.

7. Go back to the original tab and you will be able to see your masterpiece.

8. Export the file as a PNG or any image you want and save.

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