[ CLICK HERE] FOR FREE TRAINING: How To Build A Business On Social Media To 7 Figures Per Year



8 years in bed


in extra revenue
for clients

“Alan, how do you know so much about business?

I actually get asked this a lot after a few calls with clients, but I will explain why later on.

As this is the “about me” section, I am going to give you some pretty out there information on who I am.

I’ll do this for 3 reasons.

  1. I know that if I am 100% honest with you, I will get your trust.
  2. I have nothing to hide and I know If I use my story, it will inspire you.
  3. I also know that once I have your trust and “if” I can inspire you, you’re more likely to make the best decision of your life and invest in The High Income Millionaire Program and something that, if implemented, can have a major impact on your success and life.

The day I wanted to play AFL (Australian Football) was the day my brother came home with a broken collar bone from football and my mum told me that I was not allowed to play football.

I did the usual thing most 7-year-olds do and cried because I just wanted to be like my older brothers.

Fast forward 10 years. I trained at the Australian Ballet for five years and then went over to the National Theatre in Melbourne to further my training.

I won a scholarship to dance in New York when I was only 17. (There was only one full time scholarship that was awarded in the southern hemisphere).

For years, at a very young age, I have always been driven to be the best at everything I do.

From the age of 15 to 21, I would get up at 4.30 am to start my day and get home, sometimes at 11 pm at night.

When classes finished at 3.30 pm and everyone went home, I’d be in one of the studios practising and trying to be the best in the world (trying to be anyway).

There were often times I was told to “go home” as I stayed until the lights went out. That is how badly I wanted to become the best I could.

As a 17-year-old, I began practising more and attempting to improve after winning a scholarship to dance in New York City.

A few weeks before my flight to New York, I got injured so badly that I couldn’t move my legs properly.

Basically, without going into huge detail, as I was training so much, the muscles in my calves got too big for the fascia.

It resulted in nerve damage throughout both my legs, so whenever I jumped on it or even moved my legs, it resulted in massive amounts of pain.

I had surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for about 4-6 months (the pain was that bad, I kept passing out in bed).

Recovery took about 12 months, so when I was able to walk again, I had to be careful and I also couldn’t train, so I decided to stretch a lot and teach myself piano.


Here are some photos after I graduated and got my diploma in remedial massage. You could say I was pretty comfortable being around girls. I grew up dancing and being surrounded by them.

People who don’t know me well will always tell you I am a flirt. It’s not that I flirt, I just love being alive and loving people.

If I see someone who is struggling, I will be the first person to help them.

If I see someone who’s upset, I will go up to them and talk to them.

I’ve always been “happy” and full of life from a very young age.

After I finished my Diploma in Remedial Massage, I started to work at a clinic in St.Kilda down Acland Street at a really fancy “spa” place.

They did everything from floatation tanks to remedial massage.

Long story short, I worked there for about 5 months, and the owner started to get “naked” in the staff room in front of me.

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was about to walk out when she said to me, “Alan, don’t give me that, you’re used to seeing girls like this from dancing.” (Not her exact words, but it was something like that.)

Back then, I was about 23 years old and pretty naive, even though I thought I was an “adult.”

I stopped going into work because of this, as I thought it was massively inappropriate and the owner refused to pay me.

I could have taken it further, but I didn’t want the hassle and just wanted to move on.

Eventually, my love of dance got me back into the studio, so I tried getting back into it again, but unfortunately, my calves were still painful and I just knew I couldn’t do it anymore.

When I had to give it up, I remember being miserable for ages and crying.

Something you have done at a very young age and you’ve finally become good at something just for it not to work out due to injury.

I was devastated and felt lost.

Mentally, I started to move on, but I still wanted to be involved in dance somehow, as that is what I grew up doing.

I started teaching Hip Hop as I always loved that as well.

The fact that you can dance to your favourite songs—who wouldn’t love that?

Long story short, I taught for about 12 months, and I just knew my legs were still sore and injured. I thought if I could give my calves 12 months of rest and just teach, I would be okay. Nope.

I decided to mentally move on, as hard as that was for me.

When I completed my diploma in Remedial Massage, I also completed my Cert 3 in Fitness and Cert 4 in Personal Training.

Being trained at the Australian Ballet School and going to school at the Victorian College of the Arts, everything we learnt was around art, dance, fitness, music, mindset or anything health related.

On the final exam for personal training, we were given 2 hours to finish it. I still remember completing it in 10 minutes and walking to the front to hand the exam in to the teacher.

As I was walking up the front, I saw people were still stuck on the first page.

I could not believe it.

I then got into personal training and one of my first mentors was Bedros Kuilien.

This was back in 2009 with his fit body bootcamp, but because of his training, I was able to build up 3 bootcamp businesses, and in total, I had over 100 clients, which was unheard of.

I did that for 3 straight years and I was massively burnt out.

My first client was at 5.30am in the morning, and I would work until 9.30pm at night with no breaks.

I even did this on weekends and come Sunday (my only day off), I would usually work other people’s shifts because I loved helping people.

The fact that I could get paid money to help people and be around people, I thought I was living the dream.

That dream ended on my mum’s birthday when I was travelling down to Geelong to see her for her birthday.

I remember not feeling well, just thinking I had a cold, but as the night went on, I felt worse.

My ex and I saw Hale & Pace in Geelong, and I remember feeling so sick. I thought I was going to die.

Usually, I would laugh my ass off, but I noticed I didn’t laugh once.

Every minute that went on, I felt worse.

Well, long story short, I drove us back to Melbourne, and I collapsed at home.

My throat closed up and swelled so much that I could no longer breathe through my mouth.

To make matters even worse, one of my nostrils was blocked.

I literally couldn’t breathe and my other nostril was half blocked.

I immediately rang a good friend of mine, and she drove me to the doctor.

This was over 10 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I couldn’t breathe. I was in a massive amount of pain and I felt like I was going to die within seconds.

Sitting at the doctors for over 1 hour not being able to breathe properly, I was finally seen by a doctor.

He gave me an injection, and within a few hours, I could breathe a little bit.

The photo below is a few days later. If you look at my throat, you can still see the swelling.

Even though I almost died that night and I was in massive amounts of pain (felt like I was dying), I still found humour in everything I did and I truly believe, to this day, that is one thing that helped me recover.


The day I wanted to play AFL (Australian Football) was the day my brother came home with a broken collar bone from football and my mum told me that I was not allowed to play football.

I did the usual thing most 7-year-olds do and cried because I just wanted to be like my older brothers.

Fast forward 10 years. I trained at the Australian Ballet for five years and then went over to the National Theatre in Melbourne to further my training.

I won a scholarship to dance in New York when I was only 17. (There was only one full time scholarship that was awarded in the southern hemisphere).

For years, at a very young age, I have always been driven to be the best at everything I do.

From the age of 15 to 21, I would get up at 4.30 am to start my day and get home, sometimes at 11 pm at night.

When classes finished at 3.30 pm and everyone went home, I’d be in one of the studios practising and trying to be the best in the world (trying to be anyway).

There were often times I was told to “go home” as I stayed until the lights went out. That is how badly I wanted to become the best I could.

As a 17-year-old, I began practising more and attempting to improve after winning a scholarship to dance in New York City.

A few weeks before my flight to New York, I got injured so badly that I couldn’t move my legs properly.

Basically, without going into huge detail, as I was training so much, the muscles in my calves got too big for the fascia.

It resulted in nerve damage throughout both my legs, so whenever I jumped on it or even moved my legs, it resulted in massive amounts of pain.

I had surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for about 4-6 months (the pain was that bad, I kept passing out in bed).

Recovery took about 12 months, so when I was able to walk again, I had to be careful and I also couldn’t train, so I decided to stretch a lot and teach myself piano.


I found out I had glandular fever and was told I would be “okay” by my doctor to go back to work full time.

He told me that once you have glandular fever, you don’t get it again.

He did not tell me it could destroy your life.

My mum told me to take 6 months off work and just rest as she knew I was working over 100 hours per week for 3 straight years and she saw how exhausted I was.

Being naive, I thought because I was fit, young and healthy, I would get over it quickly and everything would be good again. Nope!

I worked over 100 hours per week for 3 years, getting hardly any sleep and going through massive amounts of stress (my ex at the time made out she was pregnant for 3 months after I broke up with her as I caught her cheating on me). This played on for 3 months until I found out she was lying. The stress it put me through, plus the stress my body was under, meant my body was unable to fight off the virus.

Let’s just say, I was in bed for 8 years, and from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I could feel every single cell in my body dying.

Think of the worst flu/virus you have ever had in your life and then combine that with the feeling of not sleeping for five days. That is how I felt every day for 8 years.

At times, I was okay enough to go out to see a friend or have a coffee or even do something fun, but that was once every few months, and when it happened, it would usually put me back in bed for weeks.

I was that bad, I couldn’t even eat food with my eyes open.

I can still remember being so sick and fatigued that I would eat dinner at the table with my friends who gave me a place to stay for 8 years, and I would eat food with my eyes closed.

I couldn’t have a conversation, couldn’t open my eyes, and it took me like 30 seconds to bring the spoon up to my mouth from the dinner plate.

The only people that knew how bad I was were my two friends, who I call family now, and my ex-girlfriend, who basically had to put up with it for another 3–4 years.

I will put up some disturbing photos of me when I was sick.

One day, I might write a book and tell the whole story, as I think once you understand what I really went through and who I am today, it would inspire anyone.

What I am telling you now is only 1% of the entire time. If I told you everything, you’d be on the “About Me” page for 4 weeks.


Those 8 years were the hardest years I could ever imagine for anyone. It wasn’t that I was just tired, it was that I could feel myself dying and that happened for 8 years. From the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I felt like I was dying.

It’s a hard feeling to describe, but I would rather be in pain.

Imagine you haven’t slept for five straight days.

You’re so fatigued that your body can’t even function.

So, you might be wondering, why am I telling you this information?

Why would anyone want to get business advice from someone who has been in bed for 8 years?

A question to you: if you spent 8 years in bed and you couldn’t work a 9-5 job, would you just waste it and give up or would you do something else with your time?

Well, that’s exactly what I did for 8 years.

I was so fatigued and sick that I could feel myself dying every second of the day.

That feeling was worse than any pain I have ever been through, and it was enough to keep me from being able to sleep.

Yep, imagine so fatigued that you can’t sleep.

So what did I do?

I stayed in bed and studied everything that could make me money, and when I mean everything, I mean everything.

Network marketing, advertising, funnel building, optimisation, mindset, systems, strategies, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, viral marketing, copywriting, building Shopify stores, selling stuff on eBay, affiliate marketing and so on.

In those 8 years, I probably went through about 5000 different videos from people who were the best in the world (example, Tony Robbins for Mindset, or Frank Kern and learning how he made $1m in a day) to people who were younger and still making $200-$500k per month online.

I learnt from everyone who was successful in every business and niche you can think of.

In 2015, I learnt about network marketing as I saw some supplements that could maybe help me. That year, from everything I learnt about business and marketing, I signed up over 100 people in 12 months and, because of that, I was one of the biggest growers in the company.

The next year, I was learning drop shipping and even selling products on eBay. It took me about 6 months of learning, but I was able to crack my first $1000 day on just one of my Shopify stores.

That gave me more belief, so I started to open more Shopify stores, and I was able to repeat the process 3 more times and bring stores to thousands per day.

Over the next few years, I kept growing stores, even selling stuff on eBay.

It wasn’t about the money, it was just to see if I could make money on all different platforms.

It was almost like a game to me, knowing I could do anything and make thousands per day from it.

After getting my life back again after the hardest battles, I am living proof that if I can go from almost dying and being bed ridden with the worst fatigue you could ever imagine, to living my dream lifestyle and being financially free, you can too.

Over the last 3 years, I have helped over 100 coaches, entrepreneurs, businesses, and companies, and in total, they have now generated $22M in extra revenue.

I am going to leave you with some photos that show you that it is possible to go through hell and still come up on top, as long as you’re a fighter and, as the famous quote says, “Never Give Up”.

That is about 1% of my story, and I hope one day I will be able to tell you more.

Before Glandular Fever and before I got sick in the middle of my 8 years of being in bed.

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Before Photo: Before I was sick
After Photo: During 8 years in bed (people thought I was pretending to be sick)

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As you can see, I went from being extremely fit to being depressed and so sick that I couldn’t get out of bed for 8 years, to then getting my body back again.

It took massive amounts of research and willpower to change things and because of what I went through, has made me the man I am today.

I hope this “About Me” section has given you some context for the battles I have faced.

8 years in bed was actually a blessing for me because it made me change who I am as a person.

I went from a 9-5 mentality to someone desperate to learn how to make money, and for 8 full years, from morning to night, every single day, I was in bed learning everything there was to know about marketing and advertising, and I learnt from the best of the best in the world.

Once I started to implement what I learnt, I started to make thousands of dollars per day back in 2015, which then led me in a direction that really changed my life. I hope one day, with the right strategies, the right marketing and the right mindset, your life can also change.

As they say, a photo can say 1,000 words, so without boring you too much with another 10 pages of text, I will include some photos below that will hopefully inspire you and, as the saying goes, “If I can do it, you can”.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the High Income Millionaire Program..

The photo on the left was basically me for 8 years. I could feel every cell in my body dying. I still remember my girlfriend taking this photo of me.

The photo on the right is a couple of years after I started to recover and was helping companies with their marketing.

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I was thankful that a good friend of mine gave me a roof over my head for 8 years. If it weren’t for them, I most likely wouldn’t be here.

Even though I always had a smile on my face, the “death” or “feeling myself dying” never went away. Once every 4-6 weeks, I would feel okay leaving the house and catching up with friends for an hour or two, but I always felt like I was dying. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t ever wish on my worst enemy.

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My life sucked for eight full years.

I lost all my savings because I couldn’t work.

I lost 99% of my friends, and even my best friend since high school.

I lost my girlfriend (I completely understand this though, as it would have been extremely difficult for her)

I lost my health, fitness, body… everything.

I had nothing and every day I felt like I was that sick. I could feel every cell in my body dying.

Imagine waking up in the morning after sleeping 7-8 hours, and from the moment you wake up, you feel like you’re dying.

Imagine the worst flu you have ever had in your life, times that by about 10.

Now imagine not sleeping for five straight days. It’s almost like you’re being tutored.

That’s how I felt every second of the day, and what made things worse is that, because I am usually a very happy person, people used to think I was “faking it”.

This personally hurt the most, as why would someone go from living an amazing life, earning great money, building 3 bootcamp businesses, being fit and healthy, having hundreds of friends and having more energy than anyone I know to faking being in bed for 8 years and losing everything?

Every day I was suicidal and the only reason why I didn’t do anything is that I knew I couldn’t let my friends who were looking after me down, and also my mum and girlfriend. If it wasn’t for them, I definitely would have ended my life.

If I can go through hell to be successful, anyone can.

My life turned around due to many factors.

I was dedicated 100% and willing to do anything and everything.

I studied every mindset video and programme in the world to try to re-train my brain.

I studied every diet, nutrition, supplement, and food on the planet.

I also knew I had to make money, so I spent 8 years studying everything I could, which led me to live an amazing life.

If I can do this, you can..


In my High Income Millionaire Program, I not only teach you everything I know and how you can build a 6-7 figure per year business using social media, but how to optimise your life, health, fitness, mindset and everything else that will help you become a top 1% coach and leader in your industry.

The only thing that is holding you back is you.

I hope my story has inspired you and given you more belief that anything is possible if you work hard for it.

My program “The High Income Millionaire Coaching Program” doesn’t just help you create a 7+ Figure income using social media.

It’s there to change your life.


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8 years in bed


in extra revenue
for clients


“Alan, how do you know so much about business?

I actually get asked this a lot after a few calls with clients, but I will explain why later on.

As this is the “about me” section, I am going to give you some pretty out there information on who I am.

I’ll do this for 3 reasons.

  1. I know that if I am 100% honest with you, I will get your trust.
  2. I have nothing to hide and I know If I use my story, it will inspire you.
  3. I also know that once I have your trust and “if” I can inspire you, you’re more likely to make the best decision of your life and invest in The High Income Millionaire Program and something that, if implemented, can have a major impact on your success and life.

The day I wanted to play AFL (Australian Football) was the day my brother came home with a broken collar bone from football and my mum told me that I was not allowed to play football.

I did the usual thing most 7-year-olds do and cried because I just wanted to be like my older brothers.

Fast forward 10 years. I trained at the Australian Ballet for five years and then went over to the National Theatre in Melbourne to further my training.

I won a scholarship to dance in New York when I was only 17. (There was only one full time scholarship that was awarded in the southern hemisphere).

For years, at a very young age, I have always been driven to be the best at everything I do.

From the age of 15 to 21, I would get up at 4.30 am to start my day and get home, sometimes at 11 pm at night.

When classes finished at 3.30 pm and everyone went home, I’d be in one of the studios practising and trying to be the best in the world (trying to be anyway).

There were often times I was told to “go home” as I stayed until the lights went out. That is how badly I wanted to become the best I could.

As a 17-year-old, I began practising more and attempting to improve after winning a scholarship to dance in New York City.

A few weeks before my flight to New York, I got injured so badly that I couldn’t move my legs properly.

Basically, without going into huge detail, as I was training so much, the muscles in my calves got too big for the fascia.

It resulted in nerve damage throughout both my legs, so whenever I jumped on it or even moved my legs, it resulted in massive amounts of pain.

I had surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for about 4-6 months (the pain was that bad, I kept passing out in bed).

Recovery took about 12 months, so when I was able to walk again, I had to be careful and I also couldn’t train, so I decided to stretch a lot and teach myself piano.


Here are some photos after I graduated and got my diploma in remedial massage. You could say I was pretty comfortable being around girls. I grew up dancing and being surrounded by them.

People who don’t know me well will always tell you I am a flirt. It’s not that I flirt, I just love being alive and loving people.

If I see someone who is struggling, I will be the first person to help them.

If I see someone who’s upset, I will go up to them and talk to them.

I’ve always been “happy” and full of life from a very young age.

After I finished my Diploma in Remedial Massage, I started to work at a clinic in St.Kilda down Acland Street at a really fancy “spa” place.

They did everything from floatation tanks to remedial massage.

Long story short, I worked there for about 5 months, and the owner started to get “naked” in the staff room in front of me.

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was about to walk out when she said to me, “Alan, don’t give me that, you’re used to seeing girls like this from dancing.” (Not her exact words, but it was something like that.)

Back then, I was about 23 years old and pretty naive, even though I thought I was an “adult.”

I stopped going into work because of this, as I thought it was massively inappropriate and the owner refused to pay me.

I could have taken it further, but I didn’t want the hassle and just wanted to move on.

Eventually, my love of dance got me back into the studio, so I tried getting back into it again, but unfortunately, my calves were still painful and I just knew I couldn’t do it anymore.

When I had to give it up, I remember being miserable for ages and crying.

Something you have done at a very young age and you’ve finally become good at something just for it not to work out due to injury.

I was devastated and felt lost.

Mentally, I started to move on, but I still wanted to be involved in dance somehow, as that is what I grew up doing.

I started teaching Hip Hop as I always loved that as well.

The fact that you can dance to your favourite songs—who wouldn’t love that?

Long story short, I taught for about 12 months, and I just knew my legs were still sore and injured. I thought if I could give my calves 12 months of rest and just teach, I would be okay. Nope.

I decided to mentally move on, as hard as that was for me.

When I completed my diploma in Remedial Massage, I also completed my Cert 3 in Fitness and Cert 4 in Personal Training.

Being trained at the Australian Ballet School and going to school at the Victorian College of the Arts, everything we learnt was around art, dance, fitness, music, mindset or anything health related.

On the final exam for personal training, we were given 2 hours to finish it. I still remember completing it in 10 minutes and walking to the front to hand the exam in to the teacher.

As I was walking up the front, I saw people were still stuck on the first page.

I could not believe it.

I then got into personal training and one of my first mentors was Bedros Kuilien.

This was back in 2009 with his fit body bootcamp, but because of his training, I was able to build up 3 bootcamp businesses, and in total, I had over 100 clients, which was unheard of.

I did that for 3 straight years and I was massively burnt out.

My first client was at 5.30am in the morning, and I would work until 9.30pm at night with no breaks.

I even did this on weekends and come Sunday (my only day off), I would usually work other people’s shifts because I loved helping people.

The fact that I could get paid money to help people and be around people, I thought I was living the dream.

That dream ended on my mum’s birthday when I was travelling down to Geelong to see her for her birthday.

I remember not feeling well, just thinking I had a cold, but as the night went on, I felt worse.

My ex and I saw Hale & Pace in Geelong, and I remember feeling so sick. I thought I was going to die.

Usually, I would laugh my ass off, but I noticed I didn’t laugh once.

Every minute that went on, I felt worse.

Well, long story short, I drove us back to Melbourne, and I collapsed at home.

My throat closed up and swelled so much that I could no longer breathe through my mouth.

To make matters even worse, one of my nostrils was blocked.

I literally couldn’t breathe and my other nostril was half blocked.

I immediately rang a good friend of mine, and she drove me to the doctor.

This was over 10 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I couldn’t breathe. I was in a massive amount of pain and I felt like I was going to die within seconds.

Sitting at the doctors for over 1 hour not being able to breathe properly, I was finally seen by a doctor.

He gave me an injection, and within a few hours, I could breathe a little bit.

The photo below is a few days later. If you look at my throat, you can still see the swelling.

Even though I almost died that night and I was in massive amounts of pain (felt like I was dying), I still found humour in everything I did and I truly believe, to this day, that is one thing that helped me recover.


The day I wanted to play AFL (Australian Football) was the day my brother came home with a broken collar bone from football and my mum told me that I was not allowed to play football.

I did the usual thing most 7-year-olds do and cried because I just wanted to be like my older brothers.

Fast forward 10 years. I trained at the Australian Ballet for five years and then went over to the National Theatre in Melbourne to further my training.

I won a scholarship to dance in New York when I was only 17. (There was only one full time scholarship that was awarded in the southern hemisphere).

For years, at a very young age, I have always been driven to be the best at everything I do.

From the age of 15 to 21, I would get up at 4.30 am to start my day and get home, sometimes at 11 pm at night.

When classes finished at 3.30 pm and everyone went home, I’d be in one of the studios practising and trying to be the best in the world (trying to be anyway).

There were often times I was told to “go home” as I stayed until the lights went out. That is how badly I wanted to become the best I could.

As a 17-year-old, I began practising more and attempting to improve after winning a scholarship to dance in New York City.

A few weeks before my flight to New York, I got injured so badly that I couldn’t move my legs properly.

Basically, without going into huge detail, as I was training so much, the muscles in my calves got too big for the fascia.

It resulted in nerve damage throughout both my legs, so whenever I jumped on it or even moved my legs, it resulted in massive amounts of pain.

I had surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for about 4-6 months (the pain was that bad, I kept passing out in bed).

Recovery took about 12 months, so when I was able to walk again, I had to be careful and I also couldn’t train, so I decided to stretch a lot and teach myself piano.


I found out I had glandular fever and was told I would be “okay” by my doctor to go back to work full time.

He told me that once you have glandular fever, you don’t get it again.

He did not tell me it could destroy your life.

My mum told me to take 6 months off work and just rest as she knew I was working over 100 hours per week for 3 straight years and she saw how exhausted I was.

Being naive, I thought because I was fit, young and healthy, I would get over it quickly and everything would be good again. Nope!

I worked over 100 hours per week for 3 years, getting hardly any sleep and going through massive amounts of stress (my ex at the time made out she was pregnant for 3 months after I broke up with her as I caught her cheating on me). This played on for 3 months until I found out she was lying. The stress it put me through, plus the stress my body was under, meant my body was unable to fight off the virus.

Let’s just say, I was in bed for 8 years, and from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I could feel every single cell in my body dying.

Think of the worst flu/virus you have ever had in your life and then combine that with the feeling of not sleeping for five days. That is how I felt every day for 8 years.

At times, I was okay enough to go out to see a friend or have a coffee or even do something fun, but that was once every few months, and when it happened, it would usually put me back in bed for weeks.

I was that bad, I couldn’t even eat food with my eyes open.

I can still remember being so sick and fatigued that I would eat dinner at the table with my friends who gave me a place to stay for 8 years, and I would eat food with my eyes closed.

I couldn’t have a conversation, couldn’t open my eyes, and it took me like 30 seconds to bring the spoon up to my mouth from the dinner plate.

The only people that knew how bad I was were my two friends, who I call family now, and my ex-girlfriend, who basically had to put up with it for another 3–4 years.

I will put up some disturbing photos of me when I was sick.

One day, I might write a book and tell the whole story, as I think once you understand what I really went through and who I am today, it would inspire anyone.

What I am telling you now is only 1% of the entire time. If I told you everything, you’d be on the “About Me” page for 4 weeks.


Those 8 years were the hardest years I could ever imagine for anyone. It wasn’t that I was just tired, it was that I could feel myself dying and that happened for 8 years. From the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I felt like I was dying.

It’s a hard feeling to describe, but I would rather be in pain.

Imagine you haven’t slept for five straight days.

You’re so fatigued that your body can’t even function.

So, you might be wondering, why am I telling you this information?

Why would anyone want to get business advice from someone who has been in bed for 8 years?

A question to you: if you spent 8 years in bed and you couldn’t work a 9-5 job, would you just waste it and give up or would you do something else with your time?

Well, that’s exactly what I did for 8 years.

I was so fatigued and sick that I could feel myself dying every second of the day.

That feeling was worse than any pain I have ever been through, and it was enough to keep me from being able to sleep.

Yep, imagine so fatigued that you can’t sleep.

So what did I do?

I stayed in bed and studied everything that could make me money, and when I mean everything, I mean everything.

Network marketing, advertising, funnel building, optimisation, mindset, systems, strategies, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, viral marketing, copywriting, building Shopify stores, selling stuff on eBay, affiliate marketing and so on.

In those 8 years, I probably went through about 5000 different videos from people who were the best in the world (example, Tony Robbins for Mindset, or Frank Kern and learning how he made $1m in a day) to people who were younger and still making $200-$500k per month online.

I learnt from everyone who was successful in every business and niche you can think of.

In 2015, I learnt about network marketing as I saw some supplements that could maybe help me. That year, from everything I learnt about business and marketing, I signed up over 100 people in 12 months and, because of that, I was one of the biggest growers in the company.

The next year, I was learning drop shipping and even selling products on eBay. It took me about 6 months of learning, but I was able to crack my first $1000 day on just one of my Shopify stores.

That gave me more belief, so I started to open more Shopify stores, and I was able to repeat the process 3 more times and bring stores to thousands per day.

Over the next few years, I kept growing stores, even selling stuff on eBay.

It wasn’t about the money, it was just to see if I could make money on all different platforms.

It was almost like a game to me, knowing I could do anything and make thousands per day from it.

After getting my life back again after the hardest battles, I am living proof that if I can go from almost dying and being bed ridden with the worst fatigue you could ever imagine, to living my dream lifestyle and being financially free, you can too.

Over the last 3 years, I have helped over 100 coaches, entrepreneurs, businesses, and companies, and in total, they have now generated $22M in extra revenue.

I am going to leave you with some photos that show you that it is possible to go through hell and still come up on top, as long as you’re a fighter and, as the famous quote says, “Never Give Up”.

That is about 1% of my story, and I hope one day I will be able to tell you more.

Before Glandular Fever and before I got sick in the middle of my 8 years of being in bed.

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Before Photo: Before I was sick
After Photo: During 8 years in bed (people thought I was pretending to be sick)

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As you can see, I went from being extremely fit to being depressed and so sick that I couldn’t get out of bed for 8 years, to then getting my body back again.

It took massive amounts of research and willpower to change things and because of what I went through, has made me the man I am today.

I hope this “About Me” section has given you some context for the battles I have faced.

8 years in bed was actually a blessing for me because it made me change who I am as a person.

I went from a 9-5 mentality to someone desperate to learn how to make money, and for 8 full years, from morning to night, every single day, I was in bed learning everything there was to know about marketing and advertising, and I learnt from the best of the best in the world.

Once I started to implement what I learnt, I started to make thousands of dollars per day back in 2015, which then led me in a direction that really changed my life. I hope one day, with the right strategies, the right marketing and the right mindset, your life can also change.

As they say, a photo can say 1,000 words, so without boring you too much with another 10 pages of text, I will include some photos below that will hopefully inspire you and, as the saying goes, “If I can do it, you can”.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the High Income Millionaire Program..

The photo on the left was basically me for 8 years. I could feel every cell in my body dying. I still remember my girlfriend taking this photo of me.

The photo on the right is a couple of years after I started to recover and was helping companies with their marketing.

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I was thankful that a good friend of mine gave me a roof over my head for 8 years. If it weren’t for them, I most likely wouldn’t be here.

Even though I always had a smile on my face, the “death” or “feeling myself dying” never went away. Once every 4-6 weeks, I would feel okay leaving the house and catching up with friends for an hour or two, but I always felt like I was dying. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t ever wish on my worst enemy.

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My life sucked for eight full years.

I lost all my savings because I couldn’t work.

I lost 99% of my friends, and even my best friend since high school.

I lost my girlfriend (I completely understand this though, as it would have been extremely difficult for her)

I lost my health, fitness, body… everything.

I had nothing and every day I felt like I was that sick. I could feel every cell in my body dying.

Imagine waking up in the morning after sleeping 7-8 hours, and from the moment you wake up, you feel like you’re dying.

Imagine the worst flu you have ever had in your life, times that by about 10.

Now imagine not sleeping for five straight days. It’s almost like you’re being tutored.

That’s how I felt every second of the day, and what made things worse is that, because I am usually a very happy person, people used to think I was “faking it”.

This personally hurt the most, as why would someone go from living an amazing life, earning great money, building 3 bootcamp businesses, being fit and healthy, having hundreds of friends and having more energy than anyone I know to faking being in bed for 8 years and losing everything?

Every day I was suicidal and the only reason why I didn’t do anything is that I knew I couldn’t let my friends who were looking after me down, and also my mum and girlfriend. If it wasn’t for them, I definitely would have ended my life.

If I can go through hell to be successful, anyone can.

My life turned around due to many factors.

I was dedicated 100% and willing to do anything and everything.

I studied every mindset video and programme in the world to try to re-train my brain.

I studied every diet, nutrition, supplement, and food on the planet.

I also knew I had to make money, so I spent 8 years studying everything I could, which led me to live an amazing life.

If I can do this, you can..


In my High Income Millionaire Program, I not only teach you everything I know and how you can build a 6-7 figure per year business using social media, but how to optimise your life, health, fitness, mindset and everything else that will help you become a top 1% coach and leader in your industry.

The only thing that is holding you back is you.

I hope my story has inspired you and given you more belief that anything is possible if you work hard for it.

My program “The High Income Millionaire Coaching Program” doesn’t just help you create a 7+ Figure income using social media.

It’s there to change your life.


Take your business to the next level

Choose your FREE resource below and start learning the skills required to build a successful business online using social media


The Real Reason Why
You Procrastinate

Overcome Procrastination
And Turn 3 Hours Into 15


Get Your FREE
6-7 Figure Blueprint

Download our FREE Social Media
Blueprint To Reach 6-7 Figures


Skills And Scaling Secrets

The 7 Figure Strategy To Get More Traffic, Leads And Sales


High Income Millionaire Program

Join The #1 Social Media Coaching Program For 7 Figures Per Year And Learn The Skills Required To Become A Top 1% Marketer & Business Builder Using Social Media.


Follow me on IG to get more behind the scenes on what it takes to build a 7-figure business on social media.

© Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | Powered and Designed by alanbeck.co



8 years in bed


in extra revenue
for clients


“Alan, how do you know so much about business?

I actually get asked this a lot after a few calls with clients, but I will explain why later on.

As this is the “about me” section, I am going to give you some pretty out there information on who I am.

I’ll do this for 3 reasons.

  1. I know that if I am 100% honest with you, I will get your trust.
  2. I have nothing to hide and I know If I use my story, it will inspire you.
  3. I also know that once I have your trust and “if” I can inspire you, you’re more likely to make the best decision of your life and invest in The High Income Millionaire Program and something that, if implemented, can have a major impact on your success and life.

The day I wanted to play AFL (Australian Football) was the day my brother came home with a broken collar bone from football and my mum told me that I was not allowed to play football.

I did the usual thing most 7-year-olds do and cried because I just wanted to be like my older brothers.

Fast forward 10 years. I trained at the Australian Ballet for five years and then went over to the National Theatre in Melbourne to further my training.

I won a scholarship to dance in New York when I was only 17. (There was only one full time scholarship that was awarded in the southern hemisphere).

For years, at a very young age, I have always been driven to be the best at everything I do.

From the age of 15 to 21, I would get up at 4.30 am to start my day and get home, sometimes at 11 pm at night.

When classes finished at 3.30 pm and everyone went home, I’d be in one of the studios practising and trying to be the best in the world (trying to be anyway).

There were often times I was told to “go home” as I stayed until the lights went out. That is how badly I wanted to become the best I could.

As a 17-year-old, I began practising more and attempting to improve after winning a scholarship to dance in New York City.

A few weeks before my flight to New York, I got injured so badly that I couldn’t move my legs properly.

Basically, without going into huge detail, as I was training so much, the muscles in my calves got too big for the fascia.

It resulted in nerve damage throughout both my legs, so whenever I jumped on it or even moved my legs, it resulted in massive amounts of pain.

I had surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for about 4-6 months (the pain was that bad, I kept passing out in bed).

Recovery took about 12 months, so when I was able to walk again, I had to be careful and I also couldn’t train, so I decided to stretch a lot and teach myself piano.


Here are some photos after I graduated and got my diploma in remedial massage. You could say I was pretty comfortable being around girls. I grew up dancing and being surrounded by them.

People who don’t know me well will always tell you I am a flirt. It’s not that I flirt, I just love being alive and loving people.

If I see someone who is struggling, I will be the first person to help them.

If I see someone who’s upset, I will go up to them and talk to them.

I’ve always been “happy” and full of life from a very young age.

After I finished my Diploma in Remedial Massage, I started to work at a clinic in St.Kilda down Acland Street at a really fancy “spa” place.

They did everything from floatation tanks to remedial massage.

Long story short, I worked there for about 5 months, and the owner started to get “naked” in the staff room in front of me.

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was about to walk out when she said to me, “Alan, don’t give me that, you’re used to seeing girls like this from dancing.” (Not her exact words, but it was something like that.)

Back then, I was about 23 years old and pretty naive, even though I thought I was an “adult.”

I stopped going into work because of this, as I thought it was massively inappropriate and the owner refused to pay me.

I could have taken it further, but I didn’t want the hassle and just wanted to move on.

Eventually, my love of dance got me back into the studio, so I tried getting back into it again, but unfortunately, my calves were still painful and I just knew I couldn’t do it anymore.

When I had to give it up, I remember being miserable for ages and crying.

Something you have done at a very young age and you’ve finally become good at something just for it not to work out due to injury.

I was devastated and felt lost.

Mentally, I started to move on, but I still wanted to be involved in dance somehow, as that is what I grew up doing.

I started teaching Hip Hop as I always loved that as well.

The fact that you can dance to your favourite songs—who wouldn’t love that?

Long story short, I taught for about 12 months, and I just knew my legs were still sore and injured. I thought if I could give my calves 12 months of rest and just teach, I would be okay. Nope.

I decided to mentally move on, as hard as that was for me.

When I completed my diploma in Remedial Massage, I also completed my Cert 3 in Fitness and Cert 4 in Personal Training.

Being trained at the Australian Ballet School and going to school at the Victorian College of the Arts, everything we learnt was around art, dance, fitness, music, mindset or anything health related.

On the final exam for personal training, we were given 2 hours to finish it. I still remember completing it in 10 minutes and walking to the front to hand the exam in to the teacher.

As I was walking up the front, I saw people were still stuck on the first page.

I could not believe it.

I then got into personal training and one of my first mentors was Bedros Kuilien.

This was back in 2009 with his fit body bootcamp, but because of his training, I was able to build up 3 bootcamp businesses, and in total, I had over 100 clients, which was unheard of.

I did that for 3 straight years and I was massively burnt out.

My first client was at 5.30am in the morning, and I would work until 9.30pm at night with no breaks.

I even did this on weekends and come Sunday (my only day off), I would usually work other people’s shifts because I loved helping people.

The fact that I could get paid money to help people and be around people, I thought I was living the dream.

That dream ended on my mum’s birthday when I was travelling down to Geelong to see her for her birthday.

I remember not feeling well, just thinking I had a cold, but as the night went on, I felt worse.

My ex and I saw Hale & Pace in Geelong, and I remember feeling so sick. I thought I was going to die.

Usually, I would laugh my ass off, but I noticed I didn’t laugh once.

Every minute that went on, I felt worse.

Well, long story short, I drove us back to Melbourne, and I collapsed at home.

My throat closed up and swelled so much that I could no longer breathe through my mouth.

To make matters even worse, one of my nostrils was blocked.

I literally couldn’t breathe and my other nostril was half blocked.

I immediately rang a good friend of mine, and she drove me to the doctor.

This was over 10 years ago and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

I couldn’t breathe. I was in a massive amount of pain and I felt like I was going to die within seconds.

Sitting at the doctors for over 1 hour not being able to breathe properly, I was finally seen by a doctor.

He gave me an injection, and within a few hours, I could breathe a little bit.

The photo below is a few days later. If you look at my throat, you can still see the swelling.

Even though I almost died that night and I was in massive amounts of pain (felt like I was dying), I still found humour in everything I did and I truly believe, to this day, that is one thing that helped me recover.


The day I wanted to play AFL (Australian Football) was the day my brother came home with a broken collar bone from football and my mum told me that I was not allowed to play football.

I did the usual thing most 7-year-olds do and cried because I just wanted to be like my older brothers.

Fast forward 10 years. I trained at the Australian Ballet for five years and then went over to the National Theatre in Melbourne to further my training.

I won a scholarship to dance in New York when I was only 17. (There was only one full time scholarship that was awarded in the southern hemisphere).

For years, at a very young age, I have always been driven to be the best at everything I do.

From the age of 15 to 21, I would get up at 4.30 am to start my day and get home, sometimes at 11 pm at night.

When classes finished at 3.30 pm and everyone went home, I’d be in one of the studios practising and trying to be the best in the world (trying to be anyway).

There were often times I was told to “go home” as I stayed until the lights went out. That is how badly I wanted to become the best I could.

As a 17-year-old, I began practising more and attempting to improve after winning a scholarship to dance in New York City.

A few weeks before my flight to New York, I got injured so badly that I couldn’t move my legs properly.

Basically, without going into huge detail, as I was training so much, the muscles in my calves got too big for the fascia.

It resulted in nerve damage throughout both my legs, so whenever I jumped on it or even moved my legs, it resulted in massive amounts of pain.

I had surgery on my legs and was in a wheelchair for about 4-6 months (the pain was that bad, I kept passing out in bed).

Recovery took about 12 months, so when I was able to walk again, I had to be careful and I also couldn’t train, so I decided to stretch a lot and teach myself piano.


I found out I had glandular fever and was told I would be “okay” by my doctor to go back to work full time.

He told me that once you have glandular fever, you don’t get it again.

He did not tell me it could destroy your life.

My mum told me to take 6 months off work and just rest as she knew I was working over 100 hours per week for 3 straight years and she saw how exhausted I was.

Being naive, I thought because I was fit, young and healthy, I would get over it quickly and everything would be good again. Nope!

I worked over 100 hours per week for 3 years, getting hardly any sleep and going through massive amounts of stress (my ex at the time made out she was pregnant for 3 months after I broke up with her as I caught her cheating on me). This played on for 3 months until I found out she was lying. The stress it put me through, plus the stress my body was under, meant my body was unable to fight off the virus.

Let’s just say, I was in bed for 8 years, and from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I could feel every single cell in my body dying.

Think of the worst flu/virus you have ever had in your life and then combine that with the feeling of not sleeping for five days. That is how I felt every day for 8 years.

At times, I was okay enough to go out to see a friend or have a coffee or even do something fun, but that was once every few months, and when it happened, it would usually put me back in bed for weeks.

I was that bad, I couldn’t even eat food with my eyes open.

I can still remember being so sick and fatigued that I would eat dinner at the table with my friends who gave me a place to stay for 8 years, and I would eat food with my eyes closed.

I couldn’t have a conversation, couldn’t open my eyes, and it took me like 30 seconds to bring the spoon up to my mouth from the dinner plate.

The only people that knew how bad I was were my two friends, who I call family now, and my ex-girlfriend, who basically had to put up with it for another 3–4 years.

I will put up some disturbing photos of me when I was sick.

One day, I might write a book and tell the whole story, as I think once you understand what I really went through and who I am today, it would inspire anyone.

What I am telling you now is only 1% of the entire time. If I told you everything, you’d be on the “About Me” page for 4 weeks.


Those 8 years were the hardest years I could ever imagine for anyone. It wasn’t that I was just tired, it was that I could feel myself dying and that happened for 8 years. From the moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I felt like I was dying.

It’s a hard feeling to describe, but I would rather be in pain.

Imagine you haven’t slept for five straight days.

You’re so fatigued that your body can’t even function.

So, you might be wondering, why am I telling you this information?

Why would anyone want to get business advice from someone who has been in bed for 8 years?

A question to you: if you spent 8 years in bed and you couldn’t work a 9-5 job, would you just waste it and give up or would you do something else with your time?

Well, that’s exactly what I did for 8 years.

I was so fatigued and sick that I could feel myself dying every second of the day.

That feeling was worse than any pain I have ever been through, and it was enough to keep me from being able to sleep.

Yep, imagine so fatigued that you can’t sleep.

So what did I do?

I stayed in bed and studied everything that could make me money, and when I mean everything, I mean everything.

Network marketing, advertising, funnel building, optimisation, mindset, systems, strategies, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, viral marketing, copywriting, building Shopify stores, selling stuff on eBay, affiliate marketing and so on.

In those 8 years, I probably went through about 5000 different videos from people who were the best in the world (example, Tony Robbins for Mindset, or Frank Kern and learning how he made $1m in a day) to people who were younger and still making $200-$500k per month online.

I learnt from everyone who was successful in every business and niche you can think of.

In 2015, I learnt about network marketing as I saw some supplements that could maybe help me. That year, from everything I learnt about business and marketing, I signed up over 100 people in 12 months and, because of that, I was one of the biggest growers in the company.

The next year, I was learning drop shipping and even selling products on eBay. It took me about 6 months of learning, but I was able to crack my first $1000 day on just one of my Shopify stores.

That gave me more belief, so I started to open more Shopify stores, and I was able to repeat the process 3 more times and bring stores to thousands per day.

Over the next few years, I kept growing stores, even selling stuff on eBay.

It wasn’t about the money, it was just to see if I could make money on all different platforms.

It was almost like a game to me, knowing I could do anything and make thousands per day from it.

After getting my life back again after the hardest battles, I am living proof that if I can go from almost dying and being bed ridden with the worst fatigue you could ever imagine, to living my dream lifestyle and being financially free, you can too.

Over the last 3 years, I have helped over 100 coaches, entrepreneurs, businesses, and companies, and in total, they have now generated $22M in extra revenue.

I am going to leave you with some photos that show you that it is possible to go through hell and still come up on top, as long as you’re a fighter and, as the famous quote says, “Never Give Up”.

That is about 1% of my story, and I hope one day I will be able to tell you more.

Before Glandular Fever and before I got sick in the middle of my 8 years of being in bed.

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Before Photo: Before I was sick
After Photo: During 8 years in bed (people thought I was pretending to be sick)

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As you can see, I went from being extremely fit to being depressed and so sick that I couldn’t get out of bed for 8 years, to then getting my body back again.

It took massive amounts of research and willpower to change things and because of what I went through, has made me the man I am today.

I hope this “About Me” section has given you some context for the battles I have faced.

8 years in bed was actually a blessing for me because it made me change who I am as a person.

I went from a 9-5 mentality to someone desperate to learn how to make money, and for 8 full years, from morning to night, every single day, I was in bed learning everything there was to know about marketing and advertising, and I learnt from the best of the best in the world.

Once I started to implement what I learnt, I started to make thousands of dollars per day back in 2015, which then led me in a direction that really changed my life. I hope one day, with the right strategies, the right marketing and the right mindset, your life can also change.

As they say, a photo can say 1,000 words, so without boring you too much with another 10 pages of text, I will include some photos below that will hopefully inspire you and, as the saying goes, “If I can do it, you can”.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the High Income Millionaire Program..

The photo on the left was basically me for 8 years. I could feel every cell in my body dying. I still remember my girlfriend taking this photo of me.

The photo on the right is a couple of years after I started to recover and was helping companies with their marketing.

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I was thankful that a good friend of mine gave me a roof over my head for 8 years. If it weren’t for them, I most likely wouldn’t be here.

Even though I always had a smile on my face, the “death” or “feeling myself dying” never went away. Once every 4-6 weeks, I would feel okay leaving the house and catching up with friends for an hour or two, but I always felt like I was dying. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t ever wish on my worst enemy.

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My life sucked for eight full years.

I lost all my savings because I couldn’t work.

I lost 99% of my friends, and even my best friend since high school.

I lost my girlfriend (I completely understand this though, as it would have been extremely difficult for her)

I lost my health, fitness, body… everything.

I had nothing and every day I felt like I was that sick. I could feel every cell in my body dying.

Imagine waking up in the morning after sleeping 7-8 hours, and from the moment you wake up, you feel like you’re dying.

Imagine the worst flu you have ever had in your life, times that by about 10.

Now imagine not sleeping for five straight days. It’s almost like you’re being tutored.

That’s how I felt every second of the day, and what made things worse is that, because I am usually a very happy person, people used to think I was “faking it”.

This personally hurt the most, as why would someone go from living an amazing life, earning great money, building 3 bootcamp businesses, being fit and healthy, having hundreds of friends and having more energy than anyone I know to faking being in bed for 8 years and losing everything?

Every day I was suicidal and the only reason why I didn’t do anything is that I knew I couldn’t let my friends who were looking after me down, and also my mum and girlfriend. If it wasn’t for them, I definitely would have ended my life.

If I can go through hell to be successful, anyone can.

My life turned around due to many factors.

I was dedicated 100% and willing to do anything and everything.

I studied every mindset video and programme in the world to try to re-train my brain.

I studied every diet, nutrition, supplement, and food on the planet.

I also knew I had to make money, so I spent 8 years studying everything I could, which led me to live an amazing life.

If I can do this, you can..


In my High Income Millionaire Program, I not only teach you everything I know and how you can build a 6-7 figure per year business using social media, but how to optimise your life, health, fitness, mindset and everything else that will help you become a top 1% coach and leader in your industry.

The only thing that is holding you back is you.

I hope my story has inspired you and given you more belief that anything is possible if you work hard for it.

My program “The High Income Millionaire Coaching Program” doesn’t just help you create a 7+ Figure income using social media.

It’s there to change your life.


Take your business to the next level

Choose your FREE resource below and start learning the skills required to build a successful business online using social media


The Real Reason Why
You Procrastinate

Overcome Procrastination
And Turn 3 Hours Into 15


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6-7 Figure Blueprint

Download our FREE Social Media
Blueprint To Reach 6-7 Figures


Skills And Scaling Secrets

The 7 Figure Strategy To Get More Traffic, Leads And Sales


High Income Millionaire Program

Join The #1 Social Media Coaching Program For 7 Figures Per Year And Learn The Skills Required To Become A Top 1% Marketer & Business Builder Using Social Media.


Follow me on IG to get more behind the scenes on what it takes to build a 7-figure business on social media.

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